Saturday, March 13, 2010

Saturday Snippets...

Just a quick read for saturday morning..

Did go down to the Brian Ganz Concert yesterday.. it's so nice to have the performer actually talk to the audience. He explained about the differences in counterpoint between Chopin and Schumann (subtle vs. overt) and played two pieces (four Chopin etudes, and "Waldszenen, Op. 82). I am not sure i got it, but i seldom do. He also played a lovely couple of Preludes and Fugues from Bach.

After the exhilarating hour listening to good music I wandered over to the fairgrounds and was there to help with the opening of the book sale. It was the usual Friday night madness, the time when the "dealer" vultures run in the front door, gather armloads of books without looking at them, and dumping them in tubs brought for the purpose. All they want to do is take advantage of our reasonable pricing so they can jack it up to make money? Great Literature? Naahhh, the almighty buck. I would point out that although Mr. Orlando from the book store in Leonardtown was there eventually, we didn't take part in the scavenging. But, the books are there for all, and their money is the same color as others, so we suffer it. Just don't like to see a gently little lady get elbowed out of her copy of "Growing African Violets in Your Home".

Today more book sale fun (hopefully sans the evil dealers today), and then tonight we're going down to the River Concert Gala..

The fun of growing old, from this morning: Go downstairs to the kitchen to take the daily dose of medications, get to kitchen and make coffee. Go back upstairs to the computer to look at e-mail. When coffee brewer is finished, go downstairs to kitchen, take meds and return to computer. Get to computer, smell coffee, back downstairs to kitchen get coffee. sigh.

and tonight it may be black tie

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