Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Moving On...

With MFO out of town, I am faced with providing food for myself. We won’t discuss cooking for one (on a “gourmet” basis), but it’s a lot of work and there's nobody but you to enjoy it. The previous two evenings were sullied by community obligations, resulting in mediocre foods. So, tonight I thought I would reward myself with a “nice” meal. After a “work day” of frustration at the base, “I’m sorry sir, your access seems to be out of date”. I came home and DFD’d and headed out to the Tides, (satisfying the requirement for “close” and “acceptable food”). I got there to a packed parking lot, but undaunted I went inside. Wrong. Two deep at the bar with “Contractors” and “customers”, I found no seats at the bar. Good for them, bad for me. I turned and left.

So, here I am constructing my DMOTRWAT for myself, and wondering where my next meal is coming from..

Another bit on technology, I am currently still without “blog “email, but am on the track. While I criticize technology, there are some positives. Like “caller ID” on your land line. Phone rings, you look and it says “Unavailable”, or “unknown caller”. Fine ignore.

Travel update: MFO in Wisconsin:Bottom Feeder alone in Pax..

again, she will most definately be


if i am not

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