Monday, April 4, 2016

Of this and that

(blatant self praise) did you enjoy the last post? i thought it was pretty clever, anyway a few this's and that's

“The” sign

Okay, an apology sort of is in order.  After I published the picture of “Lenny’s” sign in total disrepair, denuded of the Neon, bare metal patches... not so fast!  here is what it looked like the next day

I am kind of mixed minds about this.  Yes, it is the original “Lenny’s” historical sign, but it seems to be kind of a paradox.  Pine trees and Indian food don’t seem to quite go together.  Well, good for him for preserving the hardware, anyway..

Noodling around
A friend of mine (the one who offered to get me some Soba noodles) said that they were meeting friends at Len….. er, Bollywood for their opening lunch, and that he had the noodles and I could get them there.  So I journeyed out there and got the shot of the “new” sign.  I also took the opportunity to go inside and look around. For those of you familiar with the layout of the previous occupant, it hasn’t changed a lot.  Immediately to the left inside the "old" dining area is their buffet set up, and I didn’t bother to see if there were more options. I probably wouldn’t know anyway.  The lady owner was the greeter at the door, and she was dressed up in impressive (I assume) traditional formal Indian dress.  Quite impressive.   The “tap house” will occupy the old “banquet room" on the southern end of the building.  Still under construction.  Why it is called "the 1637..."  will be further investigated and reported.  There were quite a few guests on their opening day..  Good luck to them.  Anyway, I met my friend and got the {Soba) noodles

The subject of an experimental future food preparation, in an effort to unravel why there is such a devoted cult of the said buckwheat noodle.

Food Research and Chicken
As most readers know (or should), MFO and I have cocktails most every evening, and I usually use the relaxing time to do food research while enjoying little nibbles (and my DMOTRWAT)

Among the extensive library, one of the magazines I sort of reluctantly keep subscribing to is

Although I have kind of denigrated it in the past, I have to admit they have made welcome improvements from its stodgy “old south” crinolines and parasol approach to having some interesting things.   You might remember I had a picture from the Adams Burch show of cast iron cookware.  So the following recipe caught our eye.

I include it not for the recipe which you probably can’t read, but the fact it called for cast iron.  Well, guess what? Somewhat unbelievably maybem we don’t have a skillet, just a Le Cruset casserole.  But, MFO made the dish in a simple fry pan.  It really turned out well despite being in the not recommended pan

Side note: believe it or not, I am still kind of struggling with food pictures, they sometimes look like a pile of glop, but to the eye are appealing.   I will continue to experiment, but believe me the dish looked nice to the eye, and tasted very good.  Can’t beat lemon, capers, and wine.  Yes, the dish is classically prepared with veal.  This version is pretty good.

Mustard Confusion…

I never have understood this:  "Ground" is the past tense of "grind", right?  which is defined as:

Grind: reduce (something) to small particles or powder by crushing it.

So one might reasonably assume that the contents of the little jug would be mustard in  “small particles or powder” after being “ground” by stone.  Well, here is what it looks like when you spread it on bread

 Powder? Small Particles?  Sure looks like whole mustard seeds to me..which never saw a grind stone.  I don’t get it.

Road Warrior

I think I have mentioned this before, but MFO has kept in touch with four friends from High School, calling the mselves the “Green Candle Club”.  Every few years they get together someplace and catch up.  Last time was a Road Scholar Program in Louisiana which was music and food centered.  This year they are doing another around the Georgia Sea Island, kind of centered on Amelia Island.

So, last Friday she, and the MOMSTER departed for Fernanda Beach.  I’m doing the “did you remember; think about; plan for; include;…. Etc.” thing and she just kind of ignores me, gets in the car and off she goes..

So the Feeder will be “batching it” as we used to say for a while.

So tonight I will do my best to see some of the NCAA championship basketball game. DAMN those people!   Don’t they realize that a good percentage of the population (yes, on the populous east coast) go to bed on a week night by ten, at least? A tip at eight would be almost palatable.  I don’t much care who wins although Nova would be a nice change.  I hope they didn’t use up everything in the semi final

Okay, enjoy


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