Saturday, December 24, 2016


Greetings from Spring Hill Suites in Earth City, Missouri!

I suppose it’s a sign of older age, but I really enjoy traveling at this time of the year during winter months when the leaves are off the trees, and the colors are shades of beige, brown, tan and black of winter trees.  So, I really looked forward to our journey from the digs to STL, site of Christmas I at FOJTE’s.   Plus, MFO does all the driving, so I am the right seater, mostly responsible for navigation and capturing images that catch my eye..  Before going on, most (all) of the images are taken on the fly through the car window, so sharpness and focus is mostly compromised, but after all they are not “art”, only to document the journey, and to be honest, a lot are the same as I have taken in years past.  After all, when you travel the same route every year for twenty odd years, you get to see familiar scenes. 

Anyway, here are some (many) grabbed images along the way for the first two days.  I am going to try a little different approach, and show you by categories, rather than just chronological. 

One of the things that are always interest me are the buildings you see along the way.

When I looked at the above, I thought “well, I can crop out that sign” but the more I looked at it, the more I thought it kind of fit, so I left it.  what do you think?

When we left Lexington (our first night out) there was fog and high moisture which gave some of the trees a coating of frost and cold enough to freeze the water

Later on, we had many spectators

And with early and late light, power plants always provide nice shots

Pop Quiz: What city is this?

And this?  (hint: a big deal basketball game took place there that evening)

Zoning gone mad at a gas stop in Illinois

Signs, signs, everywhere there’s signs:

So finally after over 580 miles in two days on the road….We saw the familiar gateway to the west

And on the way to the Suites, we passed another sign that reminded us of the road to our first house in STL

And just before checking in we saw the now dark practice field for the team that used to call it home

Okay, so much for the journey..

Since our arrival, we’ve had three excellent meals (with a fourth on the docket for tonight)
… that will form the basis for the next edition!

And so I wish all a happy Christmas eve or first day of Hanukah, and to honor the season you absolutely have to be


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