Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Tempus Fugit

Well, my plan was to recount the day's culinary adventures blow by blow. But as a non-Ireland native says, plans go gang aft aglee, or something like that.

I've had one extremeley outstanding meal, many, many, really good ones, and just before i was going to say "I've not had a bad meal in Ireland", I had an awful one just yesterday, due to my own doing.

I will do better reporting (especially the "outstanding"), but i had thought we'd be doing Pub Dining, wonderful food with friendly people, but when you're on a tour, you do what you're told, we have almost pillow to pillow touring, followed by some dinners at the night's lodging. We've stayed in some great hotels, and they have served some substantial meals.

I've found that although everybody offers a "Full Irish Breakfast", there is variation. Usually a base construction of eggs (watery scrambled or hard cooked fried), sausages that are sort of a white center, with not a lot of spice, white and dark pudding(it's an acquired taste) and "rashers" that are more like our canadian ham. Salty and good. the coffee and tea will take your hair off...

the better ones offer a really complete array of fruits, breads, and cheeses.

we've had some good pub food..

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