Monday, March 4, 2013

Bits and Pieces

In the best interests of both of our busy “Monday with Sequestration” (Bottom Feeder funding intact, so far as I know), just a couple of quick notes.

On the road again...
That’s MFO in command of MOMSTER II heading out for Louisiana.  She will be meeting up with some high school buddies that have remained in contact these 50 (!!) years and get together occasionally.   They found an Elderhostel (now called “Road Scholars”) program that centers on Cajun food, music, and culture.  That will last a few days and then hey! Since we’re out anyway let’s “come home” by way of Oklahoma (nephew) and Jackson/St. Louis (“kids”) on the way to Maryland.  So, ye olde editor will be alone for a while, and no, there is no party at the digs.

Speaking of ye olde editor, one of my former colleagues noted in Facebook last Friday that if I were still putting out the original Bottom Feeder at work, I would have noted that the date was 3/1/13, or 3113, a palindrome.   At that time I used to be enamored of making things with dates (If you multiply the day by the month and divide by the year….), but I got over it.  By the way, do you remember that today is the command to go forward (March 4th!!).   Old habits, and nice to be remembered!

And although short notice (in a short post) today at 4:40 there will be a little program in Cole Cinema at St. Mary’s College on Foodways of  Native Americans that were here when the colonists arrive in the mid 17th Century..  I am going to be there…

Lastly, here’s a photo of a sign I borrowed that was posted in Facebook by the good folks at Ard Bia’s, a restaurant we enjoyed in Galway.  I “like” their page to kind of keep one foot on the Emerald Isle.  Nice quote methinks..


Have a great day, and at the end, be


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