Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Tick Tock

Well, it’s hard to believe that it has almost been a week since Thanksgiving.   I still have to investigate to find out where that time goes…

By this time I would assume that all the turkey/ham/beef/tofukey has been consumed or thrown out.  Leftovers are always good…. to a point.  I didn’t mention it in the pre-thanksgiving yakking, but Martha led off her thanksgiving issue with “Top Turkey Sandwiches”, so somebody pays attention. Of course she gussies them up with recipes for things like “Cobb Salad Sandwich” with a zillion ingredients.  Personally I don’t think there’s anything wrong with bread, Mayonnaise (Duke’s of course), salt, and sliced turkey.

 We had a lovely time with some friends we don’t get together with nearly enough and realized what a treasure that is.  Gathering around good food (it was) is always a pleasure.

And there were other "ever hopeful" guests, just waiting for that scrap to hit the floor (hanging around the Feeder always improves those chances)

Enough of thanksgiving, let's get back to normal Bottom Feeder subjects, as there are few things worth mentioning.   On the food front, I see that we are going to be graced with another Popeye’s outlet.  Hence we’ve been getting a heavy dose of that awful caricature of a southern women who claims that “you’ll jus love mah Loosiana, shreeimp hunny”.  Gaaaaacckk.    Run away...

Also there are rumors that Blue Wind Gourmet, purveyors of excellent sandwiches and the best selection of wines around, will be changing locations.  They’re moving out of the old Post Office, Outdoor Store and then the current occupant building to another location.  Stay tuned.

I was in Starbuck’s the other day (like most days) and had a depressing experience.  I suppose it is me, and also a sign of the times and future, but it was personally disheartening..  I was waiting to get my Latte with the rest of the folk, and there was a maybe thirty something man, and he had his young son with him.  Kid could stand and everything so I guess he might have been in the kindergarten age.  Dad was paying absolutely no attention to the kid because he was working his mobile device very hard with both thumbs.  But, not to worry, the son had some sort of thing (I think it was a child’s version of a smart something) and he was equally engaged, staring at his hands.  So another pair came up (Dad and kid of about same age), and the dads knew each other and started chatting about work or something.   Kid number two, having nothing to do, tried to talk to kid number one, looking like he wanted to be a kid.  Well, kid number one was completely unphased and oblivious, never looked up, just kept pounding away on his little whatever it was.  Maybe if kid two had a similar thing, they could have conversed that way.  God forbid you should actually have a conversation with somebody.  (Trite, obvious comment):  nobody talks to nobody anymore.  Sigh.

As the seasons move from the bustling activities of summer into the more relaxed and slower pace of fall, we get more friends visiting us.  It’s just nice to look out the window and see our annual raft of Ruddy Ducks bobbing in the water

And our bird feeders get more visitors,

which then attracts other visitors who might like to feed on those visitors

as one noted birder says, "If you're going to feed the birds, feed the birds!". 

And lastly, alert readers may remember that I occasionally rant about this time of year when almost everything has to be “pumpkin flavored”… Lattes, ice cream, beer (for God’s sake), almost anything.  So it was with some joy that I observed the following cartoon in one of our magazines:

However, there is one dish that I will not object to the classic use of that particular flavor

With apologies to MFO, a prolonged stint in the icebox caused the fissure in the surface.  It was perfect when it came out of the oven last week..

And above all, you must be


although this is quite late notice, there is an interesting sounding program TODAY at St. Mary’s College:

“Presenting Slavery in America" a panel at St. Mary's College ofcy MD today, Wednesday, December 3, 4:45 pm, St. Mary's Hall. Featuring Azie Dungey (Ask a Slave); Matthew Reeves; Christy Coleman; Michael Blakey; and others. Sponsored by Anthropology, Museum Studies, the Center for the Study of Democracy

If this damn cold doesn’t do me in first, the Feeder will attend.. you can probably tell if he did by listening for coughing from the (old) back row..

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