Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Turkey Talk, Part One and a Half..

Although I know everyone is hanging on the edge of their seat (is that a mixed metaphor?) waiting for the annual “turkey report”, I have to admit that it will not be published until tomorrow morning. I fear that those of you who receive this via email at maybe perhaps, your work address will miss it if you take tomorrow off. Don’t forget you can just go to the blog yourself with your browser (or “Google machine” as Tony Kornheiser says) just by clicking


The reason for the little delay is twofold. Number one, there is a lot of material to cover (although in a preview, it’s kind of disappointing) and number two, (and maybe most importantly), there are “chores” to be performed, and the Lady of the Manor is not interested in labor being wasted in idly doing silly stuff like posting blogs. Silver to be polished, chairs to be cleaned, rugs to be vacuumed, glassware to be identified, attention to small details like what the hell is the final menu, that kind of thing.

As a little teaser, I’m trying something completely different this year.. details to follow.

Quick Rant

And if you will spare me (“just a minute dear, I’m almost done!”) a little rant about local drivers I have to get this off my chest. Happened again just this morning...Say you are stopped at a red light on a major thoroughfare (like, maybe Rte. 235) and just down the road a quarter of a mile or so is the next light, which is perfectly visible from your current position. Okay, your (“yes, yes, I know!”) light goes green, but before you clear the intersection the next light is observed to be going yellow. Previous experience has taught you that the duration of that red light is such that you will most definitely have to stop again while waiting for cross traffic, left turners and so on. So instead of a jack rabbit start, you gradually increase speed, hoping that (unlikely) you will be able to arrive at the next light coincident with it going green, saving gas and brake linings. So there really is no hurry to get there. Reasonable? (“I’m hurrying!”). Apparently not. By doing this you are impeding the pickup behind you, as all you can see is a small portion of the grill in your mirror. And by God, if a space exists a screaming pass maneuver is called for. Out around, and cut back in.. I may have to yam on my brakes because the light is red, but by (“almost done!”) golly I passed that idiot ahead of me. One car better!!! Civility, where art thou? (“Okay, Okay, I’ll quit!”)

Just let me type


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