Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Just for....

The Hal-i-but!

Had a chance to get some lovely halibut and decided to pan sear it. So did the Mise En Place with the proper cooking implements (yes, that's a barely visible Dry Manhattan in the back ground)

And got the All Clad stainless pan smoking hot (with just a little grapeseed oil) and committed the fish (presentation side down) 
and then engage in the second battle I’m fighting (besides minimal oil) is:  Leave the Damn thing alone!  Tough for an engineer!   Finally after 4 minutes or so, I nudged it and it slid easy so turned it over with the trusty Lamson Sharp. Left it alone until the ThermoPen indicated about 140 in the middle.   So nice to have a piece of fish that is thick enough!  Turned out beautiful and also tasty (notice careful avoidance of the “y” word in any of it’s obnoxious culinary forms!!)

Pour it on!
I have become interested in doing the “pour over” coffee method.  Keurig is boring, it’s only redeeming value is convenience.  I have yet to have a good cup of coffee with it.  I gravitated toward grinding my own beans (from St. Inies) but using the little “do it yourself” plug-in thing is a pain resulting in having to clean the little basket, etc.  So I used Amazon (see it today, use it tomorrow)  to get one of those cone shaped thingies that sits on your cup, and awaiting MFO’s visit to store for #2 filters.
Well, as with anything else there’s a whole mystique around such a seemingly easy procedure.  Anything, especially involving coffee seems to turn into a cult thing seeking the “perfect cup”.   Just get some coffee, put in filter, add hot water, let it drip (Mom and Dad's Chemex with bagged Maxwell)…  Oh no java Joe!  Research on “the net” turns up dozens of YouTube videos of hirsute guys with body art from esoterically named hip coffee shops telling me how to do it (oh, by the way you should get one of those long curvy necked pitchers).  One such (9! Step) procedure is:
Heat filtered water to 205 degrees (not 202 or 208)
Use two rounded tablespoons of (whole bean) coffee for every 6 oz. of water
Grind beans to consistency of coarse sand
Place unbleached filter in the little cup thingy
Pour some hot water into the (empty) little cup thingy, and discard the water
Put the ground coffee into the little cup thingy (with the soaked filter)
Slowly pour water into the center of the grounds and in a slow circular pattern work your way to the outer edge of the little cup thingy
Wait 30 seconds for coffee to “bloom”
Continue adding water in a circular pattern, slow but steady pace, keeping level consistent in the grounds.
After fully drained, remove the filter (and presumably the little cup thingy) and ENJOY!
I could probably have gotten in the car and driven to Starbuck’s by now!
Anyway, a work in progress!

Gathering – sort of
2019 minus 60 = 1959, the year MFO and I graduated from East Lansing High School (in Michigan).  Those that still have a foot in East Lansing, and some able travelers are getting together to celebrate the occasion.  Funny how as you advance in years, those relationships have more meaning.  I think I have commented before, but passing years rounds corners, and those who didn’t have time for you in high school are all very friendly now. We considered it, but just too friggin’ hard any more. 

Suicide is painless, it brings on many changes
Early this morning noticed flashing lights on our bedroom walls, and became aware of helicopters with powerful searchlights scanning the water and shorelines.  Many boats with flashing blue lights were cruising in the river.  Have seen this before, and is usually a result of reports of somebody jumping from the Gov. Thomas Johnson bridge into the Patuxent River.  Such a shame that people feel they have no recourse but to resort to considering that action.  Never been in those shoes and hope I never am. 

Ending Rant
Kind of hate to close on that low note, but can’t help but remark on NBC 4’s newscast that 98% of the time opens with “We begin with breaking news at six” which quite often is a passing reference to something that happened days ago. Thanks to an alert reader who reminded me… Plus, I’m sorry, I can’t stand much more of Pat Collins. I have often thought of suggesting to Channel 4 (who’s working for me!) that they give him a segment entitled: “Pat Performs the News” which divorces any attempt at real journalism in favor of his typical “report”:  mug the camera; flap your arms with a (never referred to) manila folder in one hand; mug the camera; hop around some; mug the camera; look oh, so sympathetic; mug the camera and close with “Jim, Doreen, back to you”.   Can’t he retire?  And while I’m on a roll if (weather person) Lauryn Ricketts isn’t doing lines (or shooting Tequila) when off camera I’d be surprised.  She talks so fast these old ears and brain can’t understand most of what she says… Out of my Yard!

Happy Birthday to MFO on her “somethingth” birthday today (October 2nd) dinner might be coming to us.. and most likely we will not be especially

And there are no Jars in the house

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