Monday, July 30, 2012

Another Day in Scotland

as you may remember we are now in Inverness.  we spent the day doing some interesting things.

Started out with a cruise on Loch Ness, which is a beautiful Loch (it's a loch it's a lake, it's a lake it's a loch) ..

and docked at Urquhart Castle,

and were welcomed by a piper..  very appropriate..

we spent some time "touring the site" taking in the history of the place.  The Grant Clan was assaulted by the MacDonalds, and since the Grants didn't have much defense, the blew up the castle and left.. leaving us with a relic from the 1200's...

it's always sobering to hear of this kind of stuff..

Oh, despite eyes peeled we didn't see Nessie... didn't think we would..

So then we ventured back into the "Capitol of the Highlands" Inverness.   we were turned loose for lunch.  we wandered about for a bit, and found the place that the tour bus driver said was the oldest pub in Inverness

the little blackboard contained the specials of the day..

As it was raining we went in, and it was immediately obvious that it was very old.. hard benches, not much light, and many local folks enjoying a pint.  we went past the bar and sat at a table.  But as we have found in Scotland, we were approached by a nice young lady, asking if we would like to have something to drink.  Yes..  I had a pint of Tennent's Lager, and MFO went with tea.  Sure, yeah!
and we both took the Yorkshire Pudding..  No hint of being alienated for being American, just friendly.  No pretentions, you are who you are.  After beer and tea arrived so did some other of our traveler's and joined us.   They did a little more research and had some better beers, and ordered the Fresh Local Haddock and a Cheeseburger.  soon our Pudding arrived.

Not much on the presentation, just nice hearty pub food. There was potatoes and lots of meat (I think hamburger) and a puff pastry shell which you can't see.. Not spectacular, but filling and fit with the place.  The fish and chips were quite nice, but the cheeseburger was "not what i expected"

After more shopping (we still can't find a Craig plaid!) we reassembled, along with a dessert from a local bakery...

and with a visit to Culodden battlefield (where Bonnie Prince Charlie and the Jacobites were hammered by the British) we returned to the motel.

Dinner tonight was another "pick one from three".  It was not inspired. One of the appetizers was Ham Hock Terrine, along with the ubiquitous soup (Roast Leek and potatoe) which MFO selected and I took the Terrine. Mains were less impressive, with a Steamed Fillet of Haddock, a Roasted Breast of Chicken with Stornoway Black Pudding, and vegetarian Cauliflower Cheese Raviouli.  We both took the chicken with the Bottom Feeder's promise to take MFO's pudding.

eventually my Terrine arrived..

It actually was very good.  the dots were balsamic vinegar, the little garnish was a shaved cucumber, an ontion ring, adn a tomato.  quite nice. the chips in the upper left was a spicy lavosh kind of thing.  It was really very good.

wine and conversation resulted in not documenting the main course, but it was just above ordinary, with the exception of black pudding (meaning you don't find that often!).  I continue to be impressed by these restaurants serving traditional ingredients, in spite of an American audience.  good for them.  the steamed Haddock was quite nice and sauced in a pleasant parsley sauce.

the dessert was "Scottish Cheeses, fine Biscuits, celery and chutney".  It approached the table as:

The center is the blue with those odd markings.  i don't know what it was, but it was fairly tasty.  the slab to the left i think was cheddar but i didn't ask.  Quite a wholesome meal

This food is not memorable, nor is it awful.  The feeder could pick apart various things, like they should know who ordered what.  On the other hand, I do admire the practice of setting each place with silver that would accept any order (and a nice napkin)

and after the actual order is placed, the tools not needed for the selection is removed.  Nice.  Hear that, America? The Hotel staff works hard, the servers are extremely pleasant and earnest.  they want you to be happy.  We are guests in their country, and we should not necessarily judge them by American standards.  It is fun to eat their food.  Thank you..

and of course we were


off to Dundee tomorrow!  who knows when the opportunity to talk will turn up next!!

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