Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Summer Madness....

When the temperatures go into the upper nineties
Your brain goes dead
When your brain goes dead, you get cranky
When you get cranky
You say things you probably shouldn’t
When you say things you shouldn’t, people don’t like you
I am that guy!

So, has anybody else noticed the proclivity of many Face Book posters to include pictures of kitties and puppies?  Once in a while is okay, but the thirtieth picture of Ruffles looks a lot like its tenth.  I’m sure they are delightful little companions, but day after day after day gets tiresome.  And what’s up with all those little “signboards”?   I do like some of the cartoons however.. there.  Don’t hate me..

Other this and that’s while I simmer (pun intended) down..

Barrista on the road..
Somebody sent me a notice that the new Fiat 500L, a “multi-purpose” vehicle to be released here early next spring will have an interesting accessory.  Guess what?  Those crafty Italians are going to include an in-car espresso machine!  All we need is an amped up bunch of drivers zipping around the highway.  I think they do say the car has to be at rest in order to brew it.  Maybe the Germans can get a Porsche with a beer tap!!

Dress Code
A friend of mine who will be journeying to the Scottsdale area soon, asked a friend of his for restaurant recommendations.  One of them was an Italian place, Tutti Santi. The feeder of course has to check out the menus and so forth, but I thought their dress code was interesting.  You can go to their site, but this is what it says:

Tutti Santi Dress Code:
In order to maintain the best dining experience possible for all of our guests, we ask that you follow the following dress code:
Business Casual
Please remove hats at the table
No sleeveless shirts

Good for them!  But after a little reflection, I suspect that the request to doff the chapeau refers not to the ball caps we have to deal with.  In that area of the country as I remember, a fair number of people tend to wear “cowboy hats” of varying sizes and forms.  Maybe it is directed at them.  But somehow cowboy hats and sleeveless shirts are not exactly compatible.  whatever, it’s a move in the right direction.

Ain’t Technology wonderful Department
As you may remember MFO and I are leaving for Scotland in a few days (next Monday).  In checking with my local wireless provider I find that neither of our cell phones are “international” and cannot be upgraded to same.  Verizon does, however offer an international “loaner” program.   So Sunday morning I gritted my teeth, dialled the “global” 800 number and prepared for “touch one if....”.  Well, that turned out to be partially true, but after putting in my 10 digit phone number and the “please listen carefully as our options have changed” menu, one more touch got a human.  She was quite pleasant and worked out the plan.  That, as I said was early Sunday morning, and just now the doorbell rang and there was the FedEx person with a box in hand.  Just over 48 hours from phone call to box in hand.  How do they do that?  Anyway the next step will be activating it, a process I am not looking forward to.  But, having capability in Scotland will be good.  More to come on that..

And now that my blood pressure has returned to its normally elevated state, final notes with a couple of foodie entries (or is it entrees?)

If you read many food magazines these days, you are likely to find articles and guides to “food trucks” which have become very trendy in many metropolitan areas.  Not your ordinary “roach coach” we are used to, but these vendors are often run by very successful chefs, and provide an outlet for quality food coming to you, or at least nearby.  So I was interested to see one parked outside the liquor store on the corner across from San Souci.  Owned by one of the (many) local catering outfits, it is there during the noon hour and also early dinner.  The feeder has not stopped to check out the menu however..  I suspect foie gras (still legal in our state) is not available.  Maybe better options than Jerry’s or Subway offers. 

Pork Fat Rules
Found this recipe – FWIW, and I don’t understand the Billionaire tag

Billionaires Bacon

The late chef and food consultant Gene Hovis gave the recipe for this decadent bacon to Mortimer's in New York City; it was subsequently adopted by that restaurant's successor, Swifty's, and served at cocktail parties both on premises and off.

1 lb. bacon
1 1⁄2 cups light brown sugar

1. Separate strips of bacon and blot dry with paper towels. Put sugar into a wide dish. Coat both sides of bacon in sugar, firmly pressing sugar into each strip. Lay bacon out on sheet pans as coated (some sugar will fall off).

2. Cook bacon in a preheated 425° oven, turning once, until browned and lacquered, about 15 minutes. Transfer to a lightly oiled sheet pan to let cool. Break slices into thirds.

Serves 8 -10

Back to planning to be

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