Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Life Begins Anew

Somebody once said that I would retire when Hell freezes over. Not quite in that order, that’s what occurred yesterday, my first real day of retirement. Unfortunately it was spent huddling in the digs trying to stay warm and hoping against hope that the power that went out Sunday evening would return any moment. It did, but not until around 5. Quite the storm.

Anyway, so here I sit on the first day where I didn’t have to get up at o’dark thirty, show the nice man my badge, scour the tie ins for aircraft facts, put together a “status” and then append the feeder my labor of love. That part I miss, but hope this blog thing can eventually replace it with much more capability. I hope you bear with me while we all learn about blogosphere.

What’s retirement? Today it’s sitting here (in the now warm digs) gazing out at the snow, the birds gathering on the feeder (how do they eat that stuff so fast?), the bright blue water punctuated with the bridge arcing across to the solomons, and thinking, gee maybe those guys are right. For instance, Lunch now takes on a whole new dimension. Normally it consisted of microwaving a little cup of sodium laced food like material, a bag of Doritos, and maybe a Pepsi consumed while running down the e-mails, spilling Doritos crumbs into the keyboard. Now, a whole new universe awaits. One could join one’s spouse at a (tasteful) local spot for a leisurely dish with maybe a glass of wine (instead of “unsweetened ice tea please”), or spend some time at home and make that Reuben just the way you want, or if busy just skip it. freedom of choice. A nice thought.

ADMIN Note: I am having trouble establishing a link between the blogger (me) and readers. I greatly enjoy and appreciate your helpful comments, suggestions, experiences, etc., and don’t want to lose that. Bear with me a bit..and the person who asked about DFD and MFO, I replied but not sure you got it.. learning..hang with me.

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