Thursday, October 2, 2014

traveling shoes

or maybe water wings..

we were leaving tomorrow morning to get on the American Queen river paddle boat in Minneapolis and then cruise (paddle? float?) down to St. Louis.

i say "were" because we just got a call from the travel agency saying all flights through Chicago were cancelled tomorrow for whatever reason.  So, with the usual cleverness of travel agents we are now booked on a flight from Nashville, and to get there, all forty odd of us are getting on a bus TONIGHT at 8 pm to drive up to DC to be ready for an o'dark departure tomorrow morning for the Music City (then to the twin cities).  Maximum flexibility..

So will let you know what transpires.  Traveling is so much fun.  At least we got a top notch travel agency working for the group (Cole Travel).

In closing, I had occasion today to go into a Hallmark Store, and the first thing that greeted me (besides the ladies) was a big, decorated, blinking....Christmas Tree!!!  My goodness.

My sort of good natured comment got a retort of "It'll be here before you know it!".   Yeah, right.  just after Halloween and Thanksgiving.  She then took pains to tell me about the big "Ornament Debut" that was coming up..  Mark that down..

 So have to go finish packing... so we can be whatever passes for 


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