Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Bones and Groans....

MFO finally heard enough of my whining and self pity, and suggested I go to the doctor. Now, I do not take going to the doctor gratefully. As a matter of fact I hate going to the doctor. If there is running blood or dangling limbs, okay maybe some medical attention might be required, but I have found throughout my considerable years that in general the body will heal itself (we’re talking colds and flu here, not some of the more serious things out there). So, knowing what not following “suggestions” could cause, I sucked it up and reluctantly made an appointment last week and went over today.

I suppose now that I am approaching my latest “big birthday” I will become more used to doing this. Since there is no pediatrician in that location, the waiting area was filled with people generally of my generation. And upon observing some of them, you all of a sudden don’t feel so bad.

Anyway, after a couple of chapters of my book I was summoned into the inner sanctum, put on the scales and then led to the “examination room”. Of course the first thing that happens is that they put that cuff on you, pump it up till your arm aches and then slowly released while she squints at the thing on the wall which you can’t see. And as usually happens, she says something like “have you just been exercising?”. No, I’ve been sitting in a chair in the lobby. Hmmm…, writes numbers on the chart and leaves. Do you remember the Seinfeld episode where Elaine gets branded a “Difficult Patient” and tries to look at the chart? Well, I didn’t do that, but was tempted. After another chapter (we’re about 45 minutes in now) in the book, the doctor arrives and as usual says “How are you today?”. Does he expect a “just fine, thank you”?.  Anyway, I describe my symptoms fully, to which he responds “Do you have allergies?” well, yes, but I don’t think….. and off we go into a world of Claritin, two or three different inhalers were prescribed, admonishments about eating right (me, the Feeder??), exercising, and all those other “right things to do” that I don’t, and I was released.

And you wonder why I don’t like to go to the doctor?

A little game for you…and a puzzler...

With my recent elevation of sensitivity to the dreaded phrase “you guys” used so ubiquitously these days, I have been trying to eliminate it from my vocabulary. It isn’t easy. It has become such a common phrase that you really have to make an effort to avoid it. I have noticed it rolling off my tongue without thinking. Try it sometime..

I did some poking around on the subject, and was somewhat taken aback when I found the following entry in Wikitionary under “usage”:

• The term “guy” is generally restricted to males, as in Was that a guy or a girl?, but the form "you guys" may be used for groups of any combination of genders whether it is all male, all female or any combination.

Excuse me? “Guy” is restricted to males, so why is more than one applicable to any gender?? What the hell! Who says they’re right? I will not subscribe to that usage. It just isn’t right. Restaurateurs and servers, take note. Do NOT use You Guys at my table. If we can take over Wall Street, we can eliminate the indiscriminate “you guys”.

Okay, enough.. wish I felt well enough to get


ps i am going to actually do something related to food tomorrow, report to follow

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