Thursday, February 12, 2009

cut from original

Stump was properly identified with all the right notes (oldest, almost died, etc.) way to go gang..

You always learn something. Girding our loins (strange phrase for which I would probably rather not know the derivation of ) for tomorrow, I had to check the spelling of that word about fear of the number 13(contained in the "happy" line today). well, guess what? now they have refined it to "fear of friday the thirteenth". Of course they had to top the triskai... word, so fear of that friday is dubbed: paraskevidekatriaphobia. Use that in your next conversation at happy hour.. sheesh.

I also got to looking at the calendar (I do that a lot lately) and noticed that there is that dreaded day not once, but twice this year as 1 February fell on a sunday and it's not a leap year. Then, I noticed that last year ('08) there was only one, 07 had two, 06 also two, '05 only one. There must be a formula that can tell you how many a given year has, but I don't know what it would be...maybe that's the homework..maybe not

And of course we all know that today is Abe Lincoln's 200th birthday but did you know (I'll save the quiz today) that it is also Charles Darwin's 200th Birthday? don't know how that escaped me all these years, but seems like one would know that..

Believe it or not, I always do spell check before I hit send, and it didn't mind either of those 13 related words...

way to go tarheels!

Bon Appetit