Friday, February 27, 2009

Tis Done and Done

After a frantic morning of putting stuff in boxes without regard to value, finally a bare desk was staring up at me, calanderless stark walls, just as I found it some years ago. A working life was neatly packaged into 12 boxes, and with the help of some folks, it was stowed in the MOMSTER for transport yet again to the digs.

A string of good byes to those around and then a visit to the nice security department where i was "de-briefed" (no snappy comments please) and turned in my badges. There was little remorse at handing over the CAC card - good bye access to the NMCI chamber of horrors, so long Activeclient, adios plain text, arrivederici "are you sure this is from a trusted source? That wasn't so bad. Then it was out to the MOMSTER for one final act of separation. The closer i got to the gate in the stickerless MOMSTER, the lighter i felt! Hey, this ain't so bad!

So here i sit upon my bed, laptop on lap, looking out the window to a gray sky and water, a glass of Sauvignon Blanc at my side, and you know what? I don't regret not having stickers on my car. face forward..

A quick thank you to all the people who took time to respond to this morning's feeder with very nice things to say.

Probably enough about the transition, early reports are that it is going well..and we'll try to veer out of the life lane back to some good old stuff about food..

1 comment:

Dogboy said...

That is the kind of transition I like hearing. Congrats on your new voyage, and thanks for setting up the Bottom Feeder; this way, we won't miss the entertaining portion of your daily-gram.